Sunday, February 20, 2011


       If I could research any one topic for a whole semester, I would choose to research cultures and their folklore. These would be stories that people told before they had written word. In Russia they told stories of the witch Baba Yaga, Native Americans had many stories about the spirits of the Earth that had a lot to do with their religion,  and so many cultures have stories that tell a lot about what they believe and the way they lived. One of my favorite tales is called 'One eye, two eyes, three eyes', or 'Wee Little Havroshechka' and it is like a version of Cinderella. I also love Greek and Roman mythology and all the culture and traditions tied to such beliefs. I could spend a lot of time researching mythology and how one culture's beliefs may have effected another's, or be connected in some way. I have always loved Disney movies, and most are based off of folklores and myths. Hercules of course, is based on mythology, but The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, the frog princess and sleeping beauty are too. Its just cool to see how ancient stories can tie in with present culture and tradition.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


So this art assignment was to draw something with symmetry! Real boring but easy enough to do with colored pens and markers. I like the stuff we're doing in class better (actual portraits w/ models) but at least this wasn't hard to do.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


I never really have dreams- or at least I never remember them. But when I was younger I would always have dreams that my parents would take me to an aquarium and then accidently leave me there over night, and I had to find my way out with all the lights off and a bunch of creepy fish staring at me. This is probably why I think fish are so creepy to this very day. I refused to swim in lakes when I was younger because I thought the fish would bite my toes off :(