Saturday, March 26, 2011

My favorite piece

This  is my favorite piece that I did for drawing class last term. It was done with charcoal pencil and vine charcoal.  I like drawing faces and i think this one came out well. The original picture that we drew  from was by michaelangelo:

Sunday, March 13, 2011

If Google had all the answers

     If I could ask Google any question, I would ask where I should go and what I should major in for college. This would be after I googled the answers to world hunger and peace, of course. It's really stressful trying to decide what to do, when your whole future lies in your decision. It would be awesome to just let someone else (Google) make the decision and feel totally confidant that I'm doing the right thing.  Then I would feel a lot better that I'm not wasting my money in college learning things that will be useless to me, or wasting my time in a major that I will end up switching.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Individual Responsibility

     I actually had to bring this topic up to my family to see what they thought before I could begin to organize my thoughts enough to write something about this. This is definitely a big subject, and my opinion on it changes as does the situation. In a situation like the dog example, I think that if an individual was at all in doubt that the animal is okay, it is their individual responsibility to act on it if there is no one else doing so.
     When I was talking to my family, my sister said that a situation that involves individual responsibility that she is most familiar with is bullying. She brought up the point that sometimes it is hard to tell if two people are teasing each other as friends, or if someone is being harassed. I think that people are reluctant to get involved and find out the real case because they are afraid of making a big deal out of it when in fact there was nothing going on at all. On the other hand, if it was later found out that the person was being harassed and ended up having emotional issues or having to transfer schools, anyone would feel guilty for not speaking up when they had the chance.
     Sometimes in situations like these people think 'why should I stop to help when the next person or the next person will stop to help?' Well, that just may be what every other person is thinking, and there is no guarantee that anyone will stop and help unless you yourself stop and take the individual responsibility to make sure that everything is okay.
     I think that my dad has a great sense of individual responsibility. Many times I have waited in the car when he stopped on the side of the road to see if the people in the broken down car needed any help, or watched as he took the initiative to make sure the person struggling with a heavy load could make it okay. I think part of this is because he has often been in similar situations himself when no one has come to help, and knows how much just someone asking 'are you okay?' can help to let them know that at least someone stopped to think about the problems they may be having.
    When we were talking about individual responsibility, my dad brought up the point that in some cases, it is our individual responsibility not to take action. He gave the example of a physical fight, where we might be hurt trying to break it up. He said it is our responsibility to make it some other person's responsibility, such as a teacher or a police officer.
     Another example that I can think of is when I had my training to be a CNA. As a worker in a medical facility, CNAs are considered 'mandatory reporters' and must report any abuse or negligence that they may have witnessed. They are not required to step in themselves to stop the abuse or wrongdoing, only to report the incident so that it can be intervened professionally.
    I could probably go on about this for a long time, but I already wrote more than I planned to. Main point: I think that any kind person would take individual responsibility in a case where there are many people who could react, just to take the extra step in making sure that everything is okay.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


       If I could research any one topic for a whole semester, I would choose to research cultures and their folklore. These would be stories that people told before they had written word. In Russia they told stories of the witch Baba Yaga, Native Americans had many stories about the spirits of the Earth that had a lot to do with their religion,  and so many cultures have stories that tell a lot about what they believe and the way they lived. One of my favorite tales is called 'One eye, two eyes, three eyes', or 'Wee Little Havroshechka' and it is like a version of Cinderella. I also love Greek and Roman mythology and all the culture and traditions tied to such beliefs. I could spend a lot of time researching mythology and how one culture's beliefs may have effected another's, or be connected in some way. I have always loved Disney movies, and most are based off of folklores and myths. Hercules of course, is based on mythology, but The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, the frog princess and sleeping beauty are too. Its just cool to see how ancient stories can tie in with present culture and tradition.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


So this art assignment was to draw something with symmetry! Real boring but easy enough to do with colored pens and markers. I like the stuff we're doing in class better (actual portraits w/ models) but at least this wasn't hard to do.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


I never really have dreams- or at least I never remember them. But when I was younger I would always have dreams that my parents would take me to an aquarium and then accidently leave me there over night, and I had to find my way out with all the lights off and a bunch of creepy fish staring at me. This is probably why I think fish are so creepy to this very day. I refused to swim in lakes when I was younger because I thought the fish would bite my toes off :(