In our TAG class, we received a list of A to Zen (each letter of the alphabet representing something), and are supposed to comment on two of them. The one that I liked the most was probably C: consider things from every angle. This is definitely something that everybody should try to incorporate more into their daily lives. This includes seeing the other side of an argument, sympathizing with somebody by looking into their point of view, and being less judgemental of others, and instead trying to understand them as a person. When I saw the list I thought this was probably one of the most important, because if everyone followed it, it would eliminate so many issues. There would be less arguments and fights, everyone would be able to understand each other, and there would be less stereotypes.Sometimes it's hard to consider a subject, or idea, from another angle. Especially so for kids. They haven't had all of the experience that older people have, and they find it hard to see from an adults point of view. Remember the saying 'you'll understand when you're older'? It can also be hard for adults to relate to their children, or younger people. This also goes for people of different backgrounds, people from different countries, etc. It can be frustrating when another person doesn't understand the same concepts that you do. But it is so important to make the effort to make a connection by looking at things from a different angle. And even if it you don't agree with a person, at least you will understand their point of view and that will give you more respect for that person, and hopefully vice versa.
B- Believe in yourself- This is the other concept that really stood out to me. It's probably one of the most overused (hackneyed :P) sayings, but for a good reason. If you don't believe in yourself, then you won't have any self confidence, and if you don't have any self confidence, then you are a sad person. If you believe in yourself, you will have the confidence to know that you can do whatever you want, and you will reach for greater goals and have better self-motivation. Believing in yourself helps you to be more outgoing and driven. If you don't believe in yourself, then how can you expect others to? You would have low expectations of yourself and never feel the need to heighten those expectations. This ideal is definitely necessary to grow as a person. I think kids start off with a lot of self-confidence, but as they grow up they go through many changes that they're not used to, and it causes them to lose confidence. As a person matures, the goal is to gain back all that self confidence in order to be a functional person. I think this one is really important, because believing in yourself allows you to stand up for yourself and your ideas, and to be the best you can be.
What a fabulous post! I think that you are very good at considering things from every angle. You are one of the most compassionate and understanding students that I know. You seem to accept everyone and get along wtih many different types of people. Keep it up.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!