Sunday, January 30, 2011


The question is 'what is the best advice you have given or someone has given you?'
I think that the best advice I've ever recieved came from my DARE class when I went to St. Paul's. Our DARE officer came in every so often when we were in fifth grade. I still remember the class when we were talking about personal choices. Our officer told us that every single thing in life that we do, we do because we want to do it. We do volunteer service because we want to. We do our homework because we want to. We are mean to people because we want to. We skip school because we want to. His advice to us was to want the right things. If we wanted to have a successful life, then we would want to go to school and get good grades. If we wanted others to be happy, then we would be kind and help others. He told us that people who make the wrong choices are doing what they want only within the moment, and not thinking further ahead. I always remember this advice, because sometimes I've had a long day and I think 'I really don't want to go to school tomorrow,' but it only takes me a little while to decide, yes, I really do.

1 comment:

  1. What insight for a young woman! I agree that we always need to realize what we really want in life. Our personal choices make us who we are.
