Tuesday, January 11, 2011

First Woman Doctor

So this is my first assigned post for my TAG class. The question is, if you could travel through time and talk to a prominent historical figure, who would you choose and why?
Wellllll.... I would have to say Elizabeth Blackwell; the first woman doctor. I've been thinking a lot more lately about the medical field what with my Nurse Aide classes and thinking about college. Being in medical isn't a pretty job and it takes true dedication to decide its what you want to do with your life. Its definitely not a job for the squemish. So I think its really admirable that Blackwell wanted to be a doctor so much that she worked so hard to be allowed to practice as a woman doctor. There were so many easier jobs she could have taken, but she chose a challenging one, and on top of it came the task of convincing people to let her practice even though she was a woman. It would be very revealing to meet her and talk to her and ask her what her motivation was- what drove her to strive for the top. In a time when the only reason women went to college was to find a husband, Blackwell did exceedingly well by becoming the first woman to graduate from medical school.

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