Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Take home art assisgnment

    In drawing class we had a take-home art assignment to do a pen and ink drawing of an object around the house.... Well everything in my house is boring so I drew one of the fancy hats in the art room :). It was pretty fun to draw, but i messed up on the netting big time. I didn't spend as much time on it as I should have, and it could look a little better, but I pretty much got results equal to my effort which is good. The next take-home assignment is to draw something symmetrical. I have a feeling I'm going to hate this assignment.


  1. I actually really like this drawing. Perhaps if you refine the netting, this could be a great picture for Indigo Ink.

  2. i am so jealous! i wish i was as creative as you, if i even tried my hardest it would look like a two year old did it lol.
